All prices are in USD. To finalize the booking process, we require a non-refundable $50 deposit per spot to finalize your booking. (details here!)
* The following prices apply to add-ons when Deranged Doctor designed the main cover.
If someone else designed the main cover and you are hiring us for an add-on or marketing material, prices are 50% higher for each item.
If someone else designed the main cover and you are hiring us for an add-on or marketing material, prices are 50% higher for each item.
* Prices apply for add-ons where Deranged Doctor designed the main cover.
If someone else designed the main cover and you are hiring us for an add-on or marketing material, prices are 50% higher for each item.
If someone else designed the main cover and you are hiring us for an add-on or marketing material, prices are 50% higher for each item.
* Prices apply for add-ons where Deranged Doctor designed the main cover.
If someone else designed the main cover and you are hiring us for an add-on or marketing material, prices are 50% higher for each item.
If someone else designed the main cover and you are hiring us for an add-on or marketing material, prices are 50% higher for each item.
By contacting Deranged Doctor Design the client agrees to terms and conditions stated here - Terms and Conditions